About Luke
Luke Mullet is a 24-year-old composer from Harrisonburg, Virginia. "His compositions are directly emotional, reminiscent of epic movie scores flavored with a Celtic-Tibetan fusion" (Eastern Mennonite University News). Luke graduated with a BS in mathematics from EMU and is currently working toward a MA in Transformational Leadership at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding.
With over 9 years of composing experience, Luke has a variety of musical skill sets and is proficient with digital audio workstations as well as orchestrating for live performance. His ability to express emotions and his versatility have led him to write music for documentaries, commercials, podcasts, video games, as well as other live performances.
Luke believes that storytelling is an important piece of peacebuilding and movements for social justice; he loves using his composition skill to assist in telling stories to shift cultures, raise consciousness, and make the world a more just and equitable place.
Luke is currently writing music for Season 2 of the Peacebuilder Podcast by the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at EMU (the first season was released in early 2020). Luke recently scored Zo the Zebra, a 2019 holiday commercial campaign for Ten Thousand Villages (a fair trade non-profit organization).
He also has composed several original film scores including No Longer Theory, a film about two UN peacemakers, Michael (MJ) Sharp and Zaida Catalan, who were killed in the DRC in 2017. In addition, he scored Seeds of Peace: A Trek for Change, a short film about the journey to release the ashes of MJ Sharp from the peak of Kilimanjaro.

Present work
In collaboration with artist Nicole Litwiller and writer Lindsay Acker in 2019, Luke composed an electroacoustic soundscape for a mixed-media project exploring the intersections between climate change and sexual violence, titled Do Not Discard. The piece has been presented at Eastern Mennonite University, the 2019 Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Festival and Conference in the Netherlands, and the 2019 national conference for the Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests in Washington D.C.
Luke also is a composer for the video game development company, Lantern Light Studios, and wrote the music for the Shifting Climates Podcast. His work has been displayed as an audio installment in the Oscillations art show in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Luke also has had multiple pieces performed by EMU's University Choir, Emulate Chamber Ensemble, String Orchestra, and piano students.
Luke was honored for his achievement in music composition and choral music at EMU's Fall Student Recognition chapel on December 8, 2017.
He also was one of 38 participants in the 2018 NYU Film Scoring Workshop where he studied with the film/TV composers Michael Levine, Mark Snow, and Mark Suozzo.
© 2021 by Luke Mullet
Website design and photography by Kieran O'Leary
Additional design by Nicole Litwiller and Luke Mullet